Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The ball is FINALLY rolling in France!

I feel a lot much better about so many things--as of today! This is great, it seems that "France" has started to get its act together!

(1) I have met three other assistants as of today. I met one yesterday afternoon (Sara); Sara is 26 years old and from New Zealand. She was practicing law back home (prior to venturing to France) and is going to be an assistant in a high school. We explored Tours together, had lunch at a Pub-type restaurant (where we both ordered pizzas)...all in all it was nice to meet someone! Today, I met two other assistants (both from the States). Miriam just graduated from Georgia State and majored in International Business and French. She studied in Tours for three weeks, and is so glad to be back. Anyways, we went to the train station to get our 12-25 train cards (for reduced fares) and had lunch at a gyro place...it was DELICIOUS! I also met Matt who is 29 years old and was a French/Spanish teacher in PA prior to his arrival in Tours. He had some visa issues in getting here; it took him 5 times before he was approved! Today, I walked around with Miriam and Matt; we explored a variety of areas and took care of some formalities. Tomorrow night there is an informal assistant reunion...so, I will meet even more anglophone assistants!

(2) The weather started to warm up today! It was sunny and 70 degrees! No more of this 55, cold and rainy stuff!

(3) I received an email from our contact people in Tours. We are having a meeting on Thursday, September 30 to find out our schools and to get acquainted with a few other assistants...it's about time! And, on Friday, we have our formal orientation in Orleans (about 1.5 hours from here). There I'll meet all the assistants in the region of Orleans-Tours!

(4) I am most likely going to have housing as of tomorrow! YES! OUI! I found a place (the one I spoke of earlier) that I think is going to work out well. That piece of the puzzle should be completed....then I can do so many other things because I will have an address.

(5) My dinner tonight is not going to be the usual pesto sauce and pasta I have had for 4 nights straight! I am in the process of making a bruschetta salad and tomato/goat cheese stuffed chicken with a side of pasta...and I bought a tart citron (lemon tart)! I am so excited for dinner tonight! And it was all less than $12...and it will last me for a few nights!

Well, that's all for now from Tours, France!



  1. Do you speak French w/ the other assistants?

  2. Wait...there are people who actually enjoy being in France?! :P

    Oh, that dinner sounds amazing though...

  3. Tess, I do not speak French with the other assistants! Though we interject French words here and there. Marc, yes there are people who enjoy being in France! And, I hope I get to see you over winter break when you're in Germany!

  4. When I reread my comment, it seemed kind of snippy! But its not- I was just curious!
