Saturday, October 16, 2010

280 Rue Victor Hugo

As promised (a while back) are some photos of my place in Tours, France.

This one was taken by Miriam..she said "look excited about your house!"

The main hallway in the house. The door to the direct left is my bedroom, the direct right is the kitchen,  the far left is the bathroom, and the far right will eventually be some sort of living room...

My desk in my room. Note all the photos of all my family and friends...and of course the screensaver!

My bed, bookshelf, and nightstand

My closet and the door to the hallway.

The bathroom is so wonderful!

The kitchen that is is supposed to be completed in early-November.

My view out my backdoor--a beautiful garden with roses and grape vines!

So, that is the "chez moi"! -Alex

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